Tech on Tap

Liberty Technology: Celebrating 15 Years Of Growth And Learning

2023: A Year of Collective Strength, Community Commitment, and Forward Thinking at Liberty Technology

Hello everyone, As we eagerly anticipate the arrival of 2024, we at Liberty Technology want to take a moment to reflect on 2023. It’s been a year of significant challenges, but also one of immense growth and community spirit. Our Community: Coming Together in Times of Need The year began on a challenging note with […]

Dec 11th, 2023
Virtual CIO Service

What Can a VCIO Do for You?

In an ever-evolving digital world, businesses are constantly looking for ways to stay on top of technological advancements and stay competitive. Often, the responsibility falls on the shoulders of a Chief Information Officer (CIO). But for many small and medium-sized businesses, hiring a full-time CIO might not be feasible. Enter the VCIO – Virtual Chief […]

Nov 1st, 2023
It Cyber Security Services

Cybersecurity for 2023

Every day, tech continues to amaze (and frighten) us with increasingly impressive products, AI, and speed. While these developments increase productivity and our overall good, some individuals will inevitably twist new tech for their nefarious purposes. Among the many worries that circle our safety online, one of the most concerning is being hacked, especially in […]

Oct 2nd, 2023
Verkada Security

Advantages of the Verkada Cloud-Based Physical Security System

Today, physical security is more important than ever. There are many options available to protect your business and commercial property, but selecting a high-quality security system is the most important way to guarantee maximum security. The brand that stands out from the rest is Verkada. Keep reading to learn about the advantages of choosing Verkada […]

Sep 1st, 2023
Managed IT Services

What Are the Benefits of Managed IT Services?

Nearly every business requires IT services. Without them, technology could be hard to manage, rendering a company’s process less efficient and rough. In short, IT services in Macon, GA, are essential to keeping your local business running smoothly. They also change with the times and adapt to the constant improvements in technology. Ideal IT services […]

Aug 1st, 2023
Secure Server Services

The Risks of a Non-Secure Server

In a business, servers could be called the “heart” of the building. Depending on the type, servers hold most or all of a company’s data, down to the most secure information such as documents, executables (a file used to perform operations or functions on a computer), and even photos or videos. Needless to say, when […]

Jul 3rd, 2023

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