
Why Your Company Needs An IT Assessment

Business It Assessment Services

How do you feel about your company’s data security? If a hacker tried to steal your data, would they succeed? Would such an occurrence catch you completely off guard and throw your organization into disarray? Would you look back and wonder what you could have done differently to prevent it?

The truth is, there is something that you can do. If you’ve been neglecting your IT, you’re not alone. Too many companies fail to protect themselves and don’t see the value of effective IT until it’s too late. One way to begin to protect your business and increase workforce productivity is to allow Liberty Technology to perform an IT Assessment.

Our IT Assessment involves a team of IT, data, and security experts evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of your current IT infrastructure. They review your company’s technology systems, provide insight about your networks, servers and storage, and evaluate any data and security vulnerabilities along with suggestions for improvements.

Too often, companies try to cut corners or fail to upgrade their systems as a means of limiting expenses. At best, they are operating on an inefficient system, and at worst, they are leaving themselves open to the worst case scenario: a cyber security attack.

Here’s how an IT Assessment from Liberty Technolgy can benefit your company:


Your cyber security system is the fortress that protects your company. If you were in charge of defending a fortress, you would want to regularly inspect it for any weaknesses that your enemy could exploit. Hackers look for security systems that are easily penetrable. If you’re a small-to-medium-business owner, you should be particularly concerned, because many hackers assume a business like yours doesn’t have the proper defenses in place. An IT Assessment will allow you to pinpoint any vulnerabilities within your infrastructure and tell you what steps you should take to bolster your defenses.


An IT assessment could do wonders for your system’s efficiency. Efficiency leads to productivity, which leads to more revenue. An IT assessment can make your company more efficient by:

  • Evaluating your hardware and software and assuring they are the most up-to-date versions.
  • Preventing network overload that can cause your system to slow down and force your employees to spend their time troubleshooting instead of completing their tasks or projects.

Most companies avoid IT Assessments because they are afraid of the costs, but an IT Assessment should be viewed as an investment rather than an expense. The cost of an IT Assessment is little compared to cleaning up the aftermath of a security breach. And again, because you are running more efficient systems, productivity will increase and revenue will follow suit.


While the simple act of having a regular IT Assessment will put you ahead of a significant number of competitors in your field, it will also allow you to keep pace with the ones that do. We recommend having someone perform an IT Assessment, so that you can prevail over the competition and boost your productivity.


Your employees can become walking liabilities when you don’t have the right security protocols and procedures in place. Having an IT Assessment will help keep all of your employees on the same page when it comes to equipment use, such as not using a company laptop outside the company’s internet, or security protocols such as password management and criteria.


Depending on the industry you are in, your company is likely subject to some type of government IT regulations. In healthcare, for example, a hospital is subject to the IT regulations set forth by HIPAA. An IT Assessment will ensure your system is running within regulations.


Like any other structure within your business, your IT should be working with you in helping your company achieve its vision and mission. An IT Assessment will give you a good picture of whether your current system is helping your company and if it allows you to best serve your clients or customers.

Getting an IT Assessment is vitally important to your company. Enjoy peace of mind knowing that you have avoided the worst-case recovery scenario. We provide IT consulting services and IT services for businesses in Macon, Ga. Let our team of experts at Liberty take a deep dive into your company’s IT infrastructure so your company can operate with maximum efficiency and minimal worry.

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